This is a question asked by my friend (yes,a real friend) on Facebook and my response to all the negative pro spanking responses she received such as "I would not only have removed my child, they wouldn't be able to sit comfortably for a while after it either" and this one which starts off good...but goes to shit real quick! "I always gave my children the "option of the bathroom". We would either discuss their mis-behavior....or they would get a smack on the bottom. They never knew what they were going to get". Needless to say,my blood is boiling and fully expect that I will not be hearing the end of it any time soon.
Q. "O.k., I have no little ones, but how many of my parent friends would like to give an opinion......would you let your child sit in a crowded establishment and let you child scream bloody murder and throw a fit, without soothing the child or removing them from the dining area....keep in mind this went on for over twenty ...minutes........just curious on opinions, it almost caused a brawl at the place we ate tonight".
A. "It amazes me that most of the comments assumed that the CHILD was "mis-behaving".Most children "behave" like children (crying and wiggling) when forced to act like adults. Being in a restaurant is BORING to children. Maybe the PARENTS were mis-behaving and should have thought about the type of place they were taking their child before forcing them to "behave"(like an adult).If the child was screaming and the parents were not comforting the child or making any attempted to help the child through what emotions he/she was having (being neglectful) then maybe the child was responding to the obvious shitty parenting he/she is forced to endure on a daily basis and needed someone to intervene. I absolutely believe that hitting a child is WRONG. None of us would walk up to a grown person who was in obvious distress and tell the people they were with that they should "go smack them" so they will "behave". Children are people too, and as deserving of the same respect we would offer to someone our age. Maybe someone could have asked the staff if they might go offer some assistance (crayons,crackers etc.) or like you Lisa, choose not to dine there again. It is up to the parents to decided where to eat and if the place they choose is suitable for children. If you, as the diner, do not want to be around potentially "mis-behaving" children then steer clear of "family restaurants", and try a pub or go for a "fine dining" experience.
The link I posted on FB was written by one of my all-time favorite Bloggers. Her blog is "Raising My Boychick" and you can find her on Twitter as @RaisingBoychick . I absolutely love her writing and the subjects she writes about.
New Dreads
15 years ago
It's truly horrifying how many people find violence to be a good thing.